Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy Endings

When relationships go wrong and someone walks away with a broken heart, particularly the female, it isn't surprising to find her wallowing in her sorrow for a few days following the "break-up." Taking part in "fandom," she expresses her emotions by setting in front of the television for hours on end with a carton of Ben & Jerry's and a variety of chick-flicks. Through these chick-flicks she is able to slowly overcome her despair and verge ahead by focusing on the happy times and happy endings within the film. By watching this film she slowly renews her identity, searching and longing for characteristics that was presented within the love relationship in the film. This expressing of emotions and renewing of identities also helps the female in releasing her emotions in a positive way.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Well Courtney I'm glad that you love to stereotype your gender. JUST KIDDING!!! I agree, its petty much what we expect as a society when a young lady goes through a break-up: ice cream, chick-flick, and a good cry. But what about guys? What the heck are guys supposed to do during a break up? I can't remember once (except in The Wedding Singer, which definitely doesn't count) the movie showing a guy dealing with a break up. Do guys have no emotion? Absolutely not. But in media they're shown that way (except in Justin Timberlake music videos). Guys are only seen in mass media showing emotion during sports events, but if its a serious relationship situation I see nothing.